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LOW Industries

Missing or outdated profile pics?

    It seems that in the last few days Linden Lab is working on the web profiles of all the residents of Second Life, causing some issue with the displayed info.

    Some of you may have noticed that the textures displayed on some LOW Industries devices (like ‘The Excellent’ AD Board, ‘The Excellent’ Tip Jar profile pic., ‘The Best Donor’ Contest Board and ‘The Most Tipped’ Contest Board) are sometimes outdated or they simply don’t appear!

    This problem is not a bug of the scripts and, unfortunately, it can not be fixed through the scripts. Replacing or restarting the devices is completely useless.
    We can only wait for Linden Lab to fix the database of the pics!

    We’ve already reported this problem to Linden Lab. If you want to follow the support ticket, you can do it here.

    Once Linden Lab fixes the database, your devices will start to work again.

    Unofficial solution to the problem
    (updated 6 May 2020)

    While we wait for Linden Lab to fix the issue, here is an unofficial workaround that appears to be effective.

    Try to change your profile pic and wait for 1 day. This seems to force the database to update and you should see again your profile pic.

    If you own a club and use some devices that display the profile pic. you can try to ask your employees and clients to follow this guide.

    We hope this works and, above all, we hope Linden Lab fixes this problem soon!

    Looking for a workaround!
    (updated 10 May 2020)

    We are currently trying to find a stable workaround.
    Beta testing has started today and it seems we are on track! Stay tuned!

    Contact us if you need more info or help about this problem!

    Upgrade your devices now!
    (updated 13 May 2020)

    We found a way to force the scripts to load the profile pic, even if the bug in the servers of Linden Lab is still not fixed.
    You can now upgrade the following devices:

    • ‘The Excellent’ Tip Jar
    • ‘The Excellent’ AD Board
    • ‘The Most Tipped’ Contest Board
    • ‘The Best Donor’ Contest Board
    • ‘The Clever’ Application Board

    Even if you should always use the most updated version of all devices, these updates are not mandatory. You can upgrade your devices only if you were experiencing the problem with the profile pics.