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LOW Industries

Using ‘The Excellent’ Social Hud to add icons and links to ‘The Excellent’ AD Board

    To add the quick links to ‘The Excellent’ AD Board, the advertiser has to own ‘The Excellent’ Social Hud.

    ‘The Excellent’ Social HUD is compatible with ‘The Excellent’ AD Board from v 5.0, but the owner of the AD Board may choose to disable the quick links; contact him/her if the feature was disabled.

    Here is how to add the social icons to the AD Board:

    1. Wear ‘The Excellent’ Social HUD;
    2. Click on your AD Board and choose “More >” and “Social >” from the menu;
    3. Click on “Connect the HUD”;
    4. Click on the + button on your HUD and type the link to a social profile. An icon will be automatically generated by the Hud and displayed on your advertisement.

    The following video shows how ‘The Excellent’ Social Hud works:


    You can add different icons on the AD Board, for example:

    A short message:

    Hello! Get in touch with me!

    The URL of a website:

    The URL of your profile on a social network:

    The UUID of your group on Second Life:


    The SLurl of your land:

    The Url of your Marketplace Store or a listing on the Marketplace: